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 时间:2020-12-02 00:08 

第一节: 冲锋陷阵的继续


【疯狂短评】我们为大家精选了日常生活中使用频率的100个句型,通过句型帮助大家迅速扩大句子量,在短期内提高大家的口语会话能力。现在就开始,疯狂投入、疯狂背诵、疯狂积累、疯狂进步!【Kim’s Note】 Sentence patterns are an easy way to upgrade your English. If you learn one hundred sentence patterns, you can easily multiply your knowledge!


【特别注意】为了让大家更疯狂的操练,前十个句型的句子注了美国KK音标。千万别偷懒,不懂的单词一定要查字典,注上音标,直至脱口而出!1. Allow me to… 请允许我……Allow me to introduce our manager, Stone Lee.(请允许我介绍一下我们的经理,李石头先生。)2. Any idea… 你知道……吗?Any idea what time it is ?(你知道现在几点了?)【Kim’s Note】 This is a more advanced way to ask a question, try it! 3. Are you fond of… 你喜欢……吗?Are you fond of children?(你喜欢孩子吗?)Are you fond of Chinese food?(你喜欢吃中国菜吗?)4. as if… 好象……When I told them my plan, they looked at me as if I was crazy.(当我告诉他们我的计划之后,他们把我当疯子一样的看着我。)Don’t talk to me as if I am stupid!(不要把我当笨蛋一样和我说话。)5. as long as… 只要……You can drive my car as long as you drive carefully.(只要你保证小心驾驶,我就让你开我的车。)

【疯狂实战】A: As long as we’re out we should stop and visit my mother.(只要我们出门,我们就应该去看望我母亲。)B: OK, as long as we don’t have to stay long!(好吧,只要我们不必呆得太久。)【Kim’s Note】 This pattern is useful because it helps you set conditions. If you want to negotiate anything, you will need to know this pattern!6. as soon as… 一 …… 就……I’ll come as soon as I finish.(我一做完就来。) 7. ask… for… 向某人要……He asked me for money.(他向我要钱。)8. be able to… 能够……I haven’t been able to sleep very well recently.(最近我总是睡不好。)9. be against… 反对……Are you against me?(你反对我吗?)10. be away from… 离开……Actually, I really hate being away from my family so much.(事实上,我真讨厌经常离开我的家人。)【Kim’s Note】 Some people like to be away from home and some people don’t. While still other people say they don’t like to be away from home, yet they go away on business every chance they get!11. …be going well. ……很顺利。Everything is going well.(一切都很顺利。)【Kim’s Note】Be careful with this sentence! Most bosses know it’s a big lie! If you use this sentence be sure to have at least one detail ready to back up your story!12. Believe in … 信仰……I don’t believe in ghosts.(我不相信有鬼。)13. By the time… 到……时候By the time we got to the movie theater the film had already started.(当我们到了电影院的时候,电影都开始了。)14. Can I remind you to… 我想提醒你……Can I remind you to call me at 7 tomorrow morning? (我想提醒你一下,明早七点叫醒我。)15. can’t afford to… 无法承受……We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we sold it.(我们养不起我们那辆车,只好卖掉了。)【Kim’s Note】Some guys always complain about what they can’t afford, if this describes you, you’d better learn English quickly and get a better job.16. can’t agree…more 完全同意……I couldn’t agree with you more.(我完全同意你的意见)。17. Do you approve of…? 你赞成/同意……吗?Do you approve of the new manager?(你认同这个新上任的经理吗?)18. Do you have…? 你有……吗?Do you have anything to say?(你有什么话要说?)19. Do you know how to…? 你会……吗?Do you know how to cook?(你会做饭吗?)20. Do you recall…? 你记得……吗?Do you recall the name of the book?(你记得书的名字吗?)21. enough…to… 足够做……I haven’t got enough money to go on vacation.(我没有足够的钱去度假。)I don’t have enough time to waste talking to you!(我没有太多时间可以浪费来和你说话。)22. get something done. 叫别人做某事。When are you going to get the roof repaired?(你准备什么时候叫人来修屋顶?)23. have difficulty in… 在……方面有困难。People often have great difficulty in reading my writing.(通常人们都很难看清我写的字。)24. have never…before. 从来没有……He has never driven a car before.(他从来没有开过车。)25. haven’t…for a long time. 好久没有……We haven’t seen each other for a long time.(我们好久没见了。)26. haven’t…so far. 目前为止还没有……We haven’t had any problem so far.(目前为止我们还没有遇到任何问题。)【Kim’s Note】This is a good sentence to show your positive attitude in a potentially bad situation. If someone wants to know how a business merger or negotiation is going, this is the perfect answer.27. How often…? 什么时候 …… 一次?How often do you go to the movies?(你多久去看一次电影?)How often do you go out to eat?(你多久在外面吃一次饭?)How often do you visit your parents?(你多久去看望你父母一次?)How often do you call your wife?(你多久给你妻子打一次电话?)How often do you read the newspaper?(你多久看一次报纸?)【Kim’s Note】 This is a great way to find out information, just be careful not to go too far, or you might hear the answer, “None of your business!”28. How was…? ……怎么样?How was your trip to America?(你的美国之旅怎么样?)29. I’m always doing… 我总是……I’m always losing things.(我总是丢东西。)I’m always forgetting people’s names.(我总是忘记别人的名字。)30. I’m calling to… 我打电话来……I’m calling to confirm your booking.(我打电话来确认你的订票。)I’m calling to ask about the advertisement I read in today’s paper.(我打电话来询问我今天在报纸上看到的广告。)I’m calling to request a catalogue.(我打电话来索取目录册。)I’m calling to file a complaint.(我打电话来投诉。)【Kim’s Note】 This sentence pattern is so essential for good phone communication. Americans always announce the reason for their call during business hours. No one has time to waste making small talk. Learn to get directly to the point.31. I’m good at… 我擅长……I’m good at English.(我擅长英语。)I’m good at cooking.(我擅长做菜。)I’m good at judging other people.(我擅长判断别人。)I’m good at remembering names.(我擅长记住别人的名字。)【Kim’s Note】 I know it is not very Chinese to say what your are good at doing. In fact, it is probably difficult to overcome your shyness and modesty enough to practice this sentence pattern. That’s why it is perfect to build your confidence. Think of something you are good at doing and repeat it ten times a day!32. I’m here to… 我是来这里……I’m here to let you know the truth.(我是来这里告诉你真相的。)【Kim’s Note】 This is such a classic TV and movie sentence. Someone is always showing up on a rainy night just to tell the truth about some deeply buried secret.33. I’m interested in… 我对……感兴趣。I’m interested in the Internet.(我对互联网很感兴趣。)I’m interested in everything.(我对所有的事都感兴趣。)34. I’m looking for… 我在找……I’m looking for Stone. Do you know where he is?(我在找石头, 你知道他在哪儿吗?)35. I’m making every effort to… 我尽力……I’m making every effort to impress my new boss.(我正在尽一切努力给我的新老板留下深刻的印象。)【Kim’s Note】Making every effort to do something usually pays off in the end! Make every effort to learn English and you will see what I mean!36. I’m opposed to… 我反对……Actually, I’m strongly opposed to the plan.(事实上,我强烈反对这项计划。)37. I’m sorry to… 感到难过I’m sorry to hear that your father is ill.(听说你父亲病了,我感到很难过。)38. I’m thinking of… 我在考虑……I’m thinking of buying a car.(我在考虑买辆车。)I’m thinking of moving to Australia.(我在考虑移民去澳大利亚。)I’m thinking of getting married.(我在考虑结婚。)I’m thinking of changing my job.(我在考虑跳槽。)【Kim’s Note】 This sentence pattern is useful for starting a conversation. If you start a sentence by saying you are thinking of doing something, people will surely want to know why.【李阳老师的提醒】“I’m thinking of…” 是表达自己的计划、想法的句型。39. I’m trying to… 我正在试图……I am trying to find a job but it’s not easy.(我正在试图找份工作,但是并不容易。)40. I apologize for… 我对……表示歉意。I apologize for what I said about you.(我对我说过你的闲话向你表示歉意。)【Kim’s Note】This is probably one of the hardest sentences in the world to say. If you say something awful about someone, the best thing to do is apologize sincerely, denying that you said it will only make matters worse.41. I can’t believe… 我不敢相信……I can’t believe what I’m hearing.(我简直不敢相信我的耳朵。)42. I can’t understand… 我搞不懂……I can’t understand why he’s so selfish.(我搞不懂他怎么会这么自私。)43. I come from… 我来自……I come from Beijing, China.(我来自中国北京。)44. I don’t think… 我认为……不……I don’t think that’s a good idea.(我认为那不是个好主意。)I don’t think we should wait for him.(我认为我们不应该等他。)45. I’d rather…than… 我宁可……而不……I’d rather stay at home tonight than go to the movies.(今晚我宁可呆在家里,也不愿去看电影。)46. I have a passion for… 我对……很痴迷。I have a passion for soccer.(我对足球特别感兴趣。)I have a passion for sweet food!(我特别喜欢甜食。)47. I have no experience in… 我没有……的经验。I have no experience in dating girls.(我没有和女孩子约会的经验。)48. I have nothing to do with… ……与我无关。I have nothing to do with the matter.(这件事与我无关。)I have nothing to do with my old classmates anymore.(我和我的老同学都不再有联系了。)49. I insist… 我坚持……I insist that you let me pay for the meal.(我坚持由我来买单。)50. I must have been… 我肯定是……The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. I must have been asleep.(电话响了,但是我没听到。我肯定是睡着了。)I must have been crazy to fall in love with you!(我肯定是疯狂地爱上你了。)I am happiest when I am with students.The students in China have captured my heart.I feel very lucky to have the chance to teach English to such enthusiastic learners.每当我和学生在一起时,那是我最开心的时刻。中国的学生已经深深地震撼了我的心。我很幸运有这样一个机会给这么多热情的学习者教授英语。American Chief Editor:Kim51. I prefer…to… 我更喜欢……而不……I prefer driving to travelling by train.(我更喜欢自己开车而不愿坐火车旅行。)I prefer the weather in Guangzhou to the weather in Beijing.(和北京的天气比起来,我更喜欢广州的天气。)52. I promise… 我发誓……I promise that I won’t tell anybody what you said.(我发誓我决不会将你对我说的话告诉任何人。)【Kim’s Note】 This sentence is so often untrue. Most people can’t resist telling just one person something, and that person usually tells another person. The best policy with secrets is to tell no one.53. I refuse to… 我拒绝……I refuse to answer such a silly question.(我拒绝回答这么愚蠢的问题。)【Kim’s Note】This is a great sentence to avoid answering something stupid. It will always make the person who asked feel foolish.54. I regret doing… 我后悔……I now regret saying what I said.(现在我为自己说过的话感到后悔。)【Kim’s Note】 Life is too short to waste time in regrets, but everyone does something every now and then that they regret. The best policy is to forget it and move on. Learn the lesson and forget the details!55. I regret to…我很抱歉……I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you the job.(我很抱歉地通知你,我们无法向你提供这份工作。)56. I suggest… 我建议……It’s a nice day. I suggest that we go out for a walk.(今天天气真好,我建议大家出去散步。)I suggest you study more and fool around less.(我建议你多学习少到处游荡。)I suggest you apply for your visa as early as possible.(我建议你尽早去申请签证。)I suggest that you take better care of your health.(我建议你多加注意你的健康。)【Kim’s Note】 This is another top sentence pattern that can be used with hundreds of ideas. This is the way to increase your English ability. I suggest that you take it seriously.57. I used to… 我过去常常……I used to watch TV a lot.(我过去常看电视。)I used to smoke, but I quit two years ago.(我过去常吸烟,但是两年前戒掉了。)I used to worry all the time.(我以前总是担心这担心那的。)I used to make a lot less money than I do now.(我以前比我现在挣的钱少多了。)I used to think learning English was a waste of time.(我以前认为学英语是浪费时间。)【Kim’s Note】Times change and people do too. It’s easy to think of a lot of things you used to do. Now it should be easier to describe these things in English.58. I’ve already… 我已经……I’ve already been there.(我已经去过那里了。)I’ve already told you three times!(我已经告诉过你三次了!)59. I’ve got… 我有……I’ve got a new car.(我有辆新车。)60. I’ve just… 我刚刚……I’ve just had lunch.(我刚刚吃过午饭。)61. I’ve no idea … 我不知道……I’ve no idea what he is like.(我不知道他这个人什么样。)62. I was told… 我听说……I was told the meeting is cancelled.(我听说会议取消了。)63. I wish… 我祝愿/希望……I wish you good luck.(祝你好运。)64. If I did…, I would… 如果我……,我一定会……If I knew his number, I would phone him.(如果我知道他的电话号码,我一定会打电话给他。)If I had enough money, I would buy a car.(如果我有钱的话,我一定会去买部车。)65. in case… 以免/以防……I’ll draw a map for you in case you can’t find our house.(我还是画张地图给你,以免你找不着我们家。)Here’s my number in case you’re ever in town and you need anything.(这是我的电话号码,以防你来到小镇上需要什么帮助。)66. In spite of… 尽管……In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our vacation.(尽管下着雨,我们还是尽情享受假日。)He managed to get into college in spite of his bad grades.(尽管他的考分很低,他还是想方设法进了大学。)67. Is there…? 有……吗?Is there anyone you know who can do this job?(你知道有谁能做这件事吗?)68. …isn’t for me. ……不是我所喜欢的。Baseball isn’t for me.(棒球不是我所喜欢的运动。)69. It is expected that… 预计/估计……It is expected that the weather will be good soon.(估计天气很快会好起来。)70. It is getting… 渐渐地 ……It is getting dark. Let’s go home.(天快黑了,我们回家吧! )71. It is impossible to… 不可能……Your writing is awful. It is impossible to read it.(你的字写得太糟了,完全没法读。)72. It is said that… 据说……It is said that she works 16 hours a day.(据说她每天工作16个小时。)It is said that English is the international language.(听说英语是国际语言。)73. It’s a waste of time/money doing… ……真是浪费时间/金钱!It’s a waste of money buying things you don’t need.(你买些自己不需要的东西,真是浪费金钱。)It’s a waste of time memorizing grammar rules and lifeless vocabulary words.(去记忆语法规则和浩瀚的词汇,真是浪费时间。)74. It’s no use… ……没有用。There’s nothing you can do about the situation. It’s no use worrying about it.(既然你没法改变这个情况,老是担心也没用。)75. It’s not worth… 不值得……The film isn’t very good. It’s not worth seeing.(这场电影不怎么好,不值得看。)76. It’s the first time… 这是第一次……It’s the first time he has driven a car.(这是他第一次开车。)77. It’s time… 是时候做……It’s late. It’s time we went home.(天晚了,我们该回家了。)It’s time we took better care of the environment.(是我们该好好保护环境的时候了。)78. It looks like… 看上去……It looks like it’s going to be a dreary day.(看上去一天都会阴沉沉的。)79. It might… 可能会……It might rain. We’d better take an umbrella.(可能会下雨,我们带把伞!)80. Maybe you should… 我想你应该……Maybe you should quit smoking.(我想你应该戒烟。)Maybe you should ask someone for directions.(我想你应该向别人问问路。)81. might as well… 不防/不如……I am so tired. We might as well get a taxi.(我太累了,我们不如搭出租车吧!)It"s so late, we might as well forget about seeing the movie.(太晚了,我们不如不要去看电影了吧!)82. not…any more / longer. 不再……Ann doesn’t work here any more / longer. She left last month.(安已经不在这里工作了。她上个月就离开了。)83. not…until… 直到……才……I didn’t get up until half past ten.(直到十点半我才起床。)I didn’t believe you until it was too late!(直到一切都来不及了我才相信了你。)84. Say hello to…for me. 替我向……问好。Say hello to your parents for me.(替我向你父母问好。)【Kim’s Note】This pattern is a good way to make a good impression. When you remember to send greetings to someone, people always notice and appreciate it.85. so that… 以便……She’s learning English so that she can study in America.(她正在学英语,以便可以去美国读书。)I’m trying to speak slowly so that you will understand me better.(我尽量说慢点,以便你更加清楚地明白我的意思。)86. The…, the better… 越……就越好。The warmer the weather, the better I feel.(天气越温暖,我感觉越好。)The farther away you are, the better you look!(你离得越远,看起来就越帅。)【Kim’s Note】This is of course a joke sentence. If you say it to someone seriously, they would probably be offended!

87. There is no doubt about… 无疑……There is no doubt about his role in the robbery.(他无疑参与了这桩抢劫案。)88. There’s no point in … ……毫无意义。There is no point in complaining. They can"t do anything to help you.(抱怨毫无意义。他们没办法帮助你。)89. There is no reason to… 没有理由……Come on! There is no reason to feel discouraged.(没事!你不用泄气。)90. too…for… 对某人来说太……This shirt is too big for me.(这件衬衣对我来说太大了。)91. unless… 除非……否则……You can’t go in unless you are a member.(除非你是会员,否则不得入内。)We can’t help you unless you tell us what the problem is.(除非你告诉我们出了什么问题,否则我们帮不了你。)92. …very often. 经常……Ann doesn’t drink coffee very often.(安并不常常喝咖啡。)I don"t lose my temper very often, but when I do, look out!(我并不是常常发脾气,但是我发脾气的时候,你要小心点!)93. What kind of… 什么样的……What kind of food do you like best?(你最喜欢吃什么?)What kind of perfume are you wearing?(你喷的是什么香水?)What kind of books do you like to read?(你喜欢看什么书?)【Kim’s Note】 This is also an extremely useful conversation pattern. It is a good way to get someone talking because most people love to talk about their likes and dislikes.94. What time… 什么时候……What time do the banks close in Hong Kong?(香港的银行什么时候关门?)What time are you leaving for Beijing tomorrow?(你明天什么时候去北京?)95. What’s…like? ……怎么样?What’s Stone Lee like?(李石头这人怎么样?)What’s living in China like?(住在中国怎么样?)What’s your new boss like?(你的新老板怎么样?)What’s your mother-in-law like?(你岳母这人怎么样?)【Kim’s Note】Americans just love this type of question. They always want to know what something is like.96. Would it be correct to… ……对吗?Would it be correct to say that San Francisco has a large Chinese population?(旧金山有很多中国人,对吗?)97. Would you please… 你可不可以……Would you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate.(你可不可以安静一点?我没法集中精神。)Would you please give me your number?(你可不可以告诉我你的电话号码?)【Kim’s Note】This is such a good sentence pattern to show off your manners.98. You must be… 你一定……You’ve been traveling all day. You must be tired.(你整天都在旅途中,一定累了吧。)You walked home in the dark by yourself? You must be crazy!(你一个人在黑夜中独自走回家?你一定是疯了!)99. You’d better… 你……You’d better work harder.(你工作努力点。)You’d better believe me.(你相信我。)You’d better take a break.(你休息一下。)You"d better listen to your mother.(你听你妈妈的话。)100. You’re bound to… 你肯定……You’re bound to have a good vacation.(你肯定会有一个愉快的假日。)You’re bound to forget something if you leave in a hurry.(如果你离开得太匆忙,你肯定会忘东西的。)You’re bound to improve your English if you learn useful sentence patterns!(如果你学习实用的句型,你的英语肯定会进步的。)财富统计句型量:100句子量:159词汇量:约3000所有句子的李阳疯狂英语“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为 206 秒。所有句子的你的“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为 _____ 秒。因为篇幅的原因,有的句型只配了一两个句子。其实每个句型都可以造出数十个句子,甚至上百个句子!我们现在做个小测试:你能用Any idea …这个句型造出更多的句子吗?Any idea when the wedding is?Any idea what time you’re coming over?Any idea how far it is from here?Any idea how often the IELTS(雅思)exam is held?Any idea when this company was founded?Any idea how they managed to solve the problem?Any idea who is going to be our new English teacher?Any idea why she resigned from her job?Any idea why Bob kept silent in yesterday’s meeting?Any idea how long it will take to travel to Shanghai by train?Any idea how much a plane ticket to America costs?Any idea how long I should cook this chicken?Any idea ____________________________________?Any idea ____________________________________?Any idea ____________________________________?Any idea ____________________________________?Any idea ____________________________________?Any idea ____________________________________?
