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reply怎么读 2019年高考英语试题全国II阅读理解B译文

 时间:2020-12-12 13:30 

  听说今年的高考英语试题全国卷II24.What can we infer about the parent from her reply in paragraph l?

A. She knows little about the club.

B. She isn"t good at sports.

C. She just doesn"t want to volunteer.

D. She"s unable to meet her schedule

24. 从第一段里那位家长的回复中,你能推断出什么?

A. 她基本不了解那个俱乐部。

B. 她体育不在行。

C. 她只是不想志愿。

D. 她无法按计划行动。

25. What does the underlined phrase“tug at the heartstrings”in paragraph 2 mean ">A. Encourage team work .

B. Appeal to feeling.

C. Promote good deeds.

D. Provide advice.

25. 第二段划线部分是什么意思?

A. 鼓励球队。

B. 诉诸情感/真情感人。

C. 激励善举。

D. 提出建议。

26. What can we learn about the parent from paragraph 3 ">A. She gets interested in lacrosse.

B. She is proud of her kids.

C. She’ll work for another season.

D. She becomes a good helper.

26. 我们怎么理解第三段中的家长?

A. 她对长曲棍球感兴趣。

B. 她为她的孩子感到自豪。

C. 她会为另一赛季当志愿者。


27. Why does the author like doing volunteer work">A. It gives her a sense of duty.

B. It makes her very happy.

C. It enables her to work hard.

D. It brings her material rewards.

27. 为什么作者爱志愿服务?


B. 做志愿者让她非常幸福。

C. 志愿行动锻炼得她能吃苦耐劳。

D. 她从志愿服务中获得物质奖励。


