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新概念英语口语宝典第一册第2课:Thanks and Responses感谢与回答

 时间:2020-12-01 08:27 

Lesson two Thanks and Responses

第二课 感谢与回答Conversation one对话一A: Here"s a present for your birthday.A: 这是给你的生日礼物。B: Cheers!B: 谢谢。A: Open it and see if you like it.A: 打开看看喜不喜欢。B: Oh,dear! CD. I"m much of a microphone hog.B: 噢,哎呀!CD.我可是个麦霸呀。Conversation two对话二A: Miss Smith,here"s a letter from your parents.A: 史密斯小姐,你父母来信了。B: I"ve been looking forward to it. It"s here at last. Thanks a million.B: 我一直在盼着,终于来了。多谢.A: That"s OK.A: 没什么。
