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 时间:2020-12-01 02:40 

Did you have lunch? 你吃过午饭了吗?

  Are you thirsty/ hungry? 你渴/饿吗?

  I"m kind of hungry. 我有点饿了。

  I was feeling a little hungry. 我有点饿。

  I"m starving. 我都快饿死了。

  I want to eat. 我想吃饭了.

  Who isn"t? 谁不是呢?

  I do, too. 我也是.

  I"m thirsty. 我渴了。

  Would you care for a drink? 你要不要来点儿喝的?

  I want some water. 我想要喝水。

  May I have some tea? 我可以喝杯茶吗?

  I shall help myself, then. 那我就自己动手吧!

  What would you like for breakfast? Cake or Fried Rice?


  Suit yourself. 听你的。

  What"s for lunch/breakfast/supper? 中午/早晨/晚上吃什么?

  Today, we"re having curry/oatmeal. 今天吃咖喱饭/麦片。

  I hate oatmeal! 我讨厌麦片!

  Sounds tasty. 好像很可口。

  My mouth is watering! 我要流口水了!

  I feel like having some dumplings. 我很想吃饺子。
