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 时间:2020-12-01 00:29 

A 63-year-old man is charged with sexual gratification with an animal for allegedly having sex with calves.

  A criminal complaint filed in Clark County Circuit Court said the farm"s owners installed a motion detector on Jan. 22 after regularly seeing footprints and vehicle tracks on their land. Around 4 a.m. the next morning, a sensor sounded and Hart was caught leaving the barn, but Hart allegedly said he just used a bathroom in the barn and had never been there before.美国密苏里州63岁老翁哈罗德 G 哈特兽奸牲畜,涉嫌与小母牛性交,最近被起诉。

  美国马锡菲州克拉克县巡回法庭的罪犯起诉书中说,绿林农场(Greenwood )主在发现农场内有汽车轮胎痕迹和畜栏有人的脚印后,便于今年一月二十二日安装了摄像探测器。第二天早晨四点左右,探测器就发出声响,哈罗德 G 哈特在畜栏内被抓。当时哈特申辩他只是在畜栏的浴室洗了一个澡,以前并没有来过这里。

  Harold G. Hart, of Neillsville, allegedly told police that he routinely stopped at a Greenwood farm, usually after bar closing or on trips to strip clubs near Marshfield or Neillsville. Neillsville的哈特(Harold G. Hart)向警察承认,他通常在馬錫菲与Neillsville附近的酒吧或夜总会晚上休市之后才去绿林农场。

  Hart told police he had sex with heifers before he went into the service in 1963 and resumed about a year ago at the farm. He admitted to using a rope to tie calves around the neck and estimated he had been to the farm "at least 50 times," according to the complaint.哈特告诉警察,1963年他来该农场前有与小母牛性交历史,约在一年前又重犯。起诉材料中说,哈特承认他用一根绳索绑住小母牛脖子后畜奸,估计他在农场作案次数“最少50次”。

  He told police he never had sex with animals while maintaining a relationship with his a girlfriend or his wife, the complaint said.起诉材料还说,哈特告诉警察,他与女朋友和妻子关系好时未出现畜奸动物现象。

  Hart also is charged with disorderly conduct and two counts of obstructing an officer. Each charge carries up to nine months in jail.哈特还被指控犯有妨害治安罪和二项妨碍管理人员执行公务罪。每项罪行可判刑九个月。哈特还指控犯有妨害治安罪和妨碍管理人员执行公务罪。每项罪行可判刑九个月。

  Hart is scheduled to appear in court March 10.哈特将于三月10日出庭受审。
