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前俯后仰 前俯后仰造句_前俯后仰中英文解释和造句

 时间:2020-11-28 08:59 



前俯后仰qián fǔ hòu yǎng






他东倒西歪,前俯后仰,像是喝醉了酒。 He walks unsteadily, fu hind is admired before, resembling is malty wine.

小丑一出现在舞台上观众们个个笑得前俯后仰。 The moment the clown appeared on stage the audience folded up.

小丑一出现在舞台上,观众们个个笑得前俯后仰。 The moment the clown appeared on stage, the audience folded up.

当我把男孩们干的事告诉母亲时,她笑得前俯后仰。 When I told mother what the boys had done, she laughed herself into a state of helplessness.

一通无厘头式的开场白,便把全场观众逗得前俯后仰。 One non-thousandth hairstyle’s prologue, after before then teases the entire audience, bends down, supine.

要点:前手推出时,身体不可前俯后仰,要松垮松腰。 Points : first hand introduction, the body can not Qianfu head to drop pine waist.

其夸张的动作和表情让大家忍俊不禁,笑得前俯后仰。 The fun parts were people acted with exaggerate motions and expressions, made everyone couldn’t stop laughing.

经常微笑,笑久一些,笑大声一点,笑到自己前俯后仰。 laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

小丑在台上蹦来跳去的,观众们在座位里笑得前俯后仰。 The audience were rolling about in their seats as the clown romped around on the stage.

下面的同学笑得前俯后仰,有的甚至笑的眼泪都流下来了。 The following classmates laughed their heads off bend forward, and some even laugh tears started to flow down.

为一个瘪了气的皮球而笑得前俯后仰的日子已成为永久的回忆; The days when we saw a flat ball and rocked with laughter had passed and leave in the memory forever.

她笑得前俯后仰,然后一本正经地“安慰”我:“你比我瘦啦。” She was convulsed with laughter, then said in a prim expression, “You are thinner than me.”

动作过程中必须保证上身稳定竖直,禁绝左右侧倾、前俯后仰等借力动作。 Must make sure the upper part of the body stabilizes upend in behavioral course, list of prohibit pletely left and right sides, before admire after Fu wait for movement lending strength.

英国的旅行家们叙述这个可笑的意大利风俗时,总是使他们的朋友们笑得前俯后仰。 English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

我们的身子随着司机手中方向盘的一次次急转而前俯后仰,东倒西歪,与此同时,这座曾遭劫难的城市的高楼大厦则一座座地从我们身边飞掠而过。 The high buildings passed swiftly and when the driver made abrupt changes of direction, we sometimes swung to one side, sometimes to the other side in response to the swaying motion of the car.



