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出生入死造句 出生入死造句_出生入死中英文解释和造句

 时间:2020-11-28 08:47 



出生入死chū shēng rù sǐ








他参军以来,出生入死屡建功劳。He has distinguished himself many times at the risk of life since he joined the army.

甚至不惜出生入死。然后是法官。 Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice.

痛恨?我甚至可以为她出生入死! hate? I’d die for it!

为夺取该座堡垒,士兵都出生入死。 The soldiers went through hell and high water to capture the fort.

消防队员的工作每天都是出生入死的。 Fire fighters risk life and limb every day in their work.

人家都是出生入死过来的…没几个了吧。 Every man dies, not every man really lives.

战士们在战场上出生入死。 Soldiers go through fire and water together in the battlefield.

为对方付出一切,出生入死,甘愿奉上性命? Would you give up everything and risk your life?

他看上去活象个东方的埃米尔,一名出生入死的沙场勇士。 He looked the very model of an Eastern Emir, an agent or a victim of the bowstring.

如果我们不能一起出生入死作战。我们必定会一个一个被绞死。 If we do not hang together, we shall most assuredly hang separately.

每个战士不能只想着自己,也要想着身边一起出生入死的战友。 Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him.

曾经有成千上万的新乐手为了与他们一起演奏的人而出生入死。 There are tons of new players out there dying for people to play with.

她以总裁夫人身份,亲临战场、出生入死、枪林弹雨、不为所惧。 She with president madam identity, visit battlefield, go through fire and water, a heil of bullets, do not be a dread.

为了我们,他们在康科德和盖底斯堡,在诺曼底和溪生出生入死地战斗。 For us, they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg; Normandy and Khe Sahn.

为了我们,他们在康科德和盖底斯堡,在诺曼底和溪山出生入死地战斗。 For us, they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg; Normandy and Khe Sahn.

且不论狗命值钱还是人命值钱,当一个人和你曾出生入死,事事以你为中心。 And whatever is worth GouMing valuable life, when a person had betrayed, everything with you for the center.

面条:我曾经有个朋友,非常好的朋友,我愿意为他出生入死,但是他已经死了。 Noodles: I had a friend once. A dear friend. I turned him in to save his life. He died.

我们的士兵出生入死,竟然是去保护一个极端、不自由的政权,这是无法接受的。 It is not acceptable that our soldiers should put themselves at risk or even sacrifice their lives for a fundamentalist, illiberal regime.

最后发现的是…原来可以与你出生入死的人最后也只是自己…那些曾经对你好的人… You are lucky that you have something to give. Some people has nothing to giv…

黑龙使膝行而前,叫道:“教主,我跟着你老人家出生入死,虽无功劳,也有苦劳。” The Black Dragon Marshal hobbled forward on his knees. ‘Leader, I braved so many dangers with you! ‘he cried.

这一步骤的目的是把所有的材料放在你的网页编辑出生入死、格式或任何其他方式操控写作。 The objective in this step is to put all your material onto the page without stopping to edit, format or in any other way manipulate the writing.

在大规模32人的网络联机战役中,您将更可以体验到特种突击队员出生入死、以一档百的实况。 In 32 large-scale network of on-line campaign, you will be able to experience the special mando risk one’s life, to live a hundred files.

此时爱国的美国人——不论他们开战前的情绪如何——都团结一致支持作战以及那些出生入死的人。 The opening of hostilities naturally silenced much of the opposition, as patriotic Americans—whatever their prewar sentiment—closed ranks behind the war effort and those endangered by it.

老干部在战争年代里,党指到那里,他们就打到那里,出生入死地紧跟着党闹革命、是共和国的功臣。 cadres war era party refers to there, they reach there, go through fire and manner followed party revolution and is the hero of the Republic.

想不想每天晚上都带着一个七仔在喷泉边溜达,想不想战斗中身边能够有一个勇猛的智能战斗机甲同你一起出生入死。 Like every night with a seven-earners in the fountain while strolling, who want to be able to fight a fierce intelligence with a fighter you go through fire and water.

中国军队的士兵们觉得很生气:“你看,我在战地里为了我的国家人民出生入死,假如你们不欢迎我归来,那就算了。 The Chinese troops reacted angrily: “Look, I risked my life out there on the battlefield for my country. If you’re not going to wele me home, then forget it.”

邮差、快递和自行车骑士,每天都得在六线交会的路口出生入死,与重型卡车、「大鸣大放」的计程车进行近身搏斗。 Delivery people, couriers and casual cyclists face the challenge of crossing six-lane avenues choked with heavy trucks and honking taxis.

战争开始,反对声浪自然沉寂。此时爱国的美国人——不论他们开战前的情绪如何——都团结一致支持作战以及那些出生入死的人。 The opening of hostilities naturally silenced much of the opposition, as patriotic Americans-whatever their prewar sentiment-closed ranks behind the war effort and those endangered by it.

“但你什么都没做!”贝拉特里克斯气愤地说,“是啊,我们其他人都在冒着危险,出生入死,你却又一次不在场,是不是,斯内普?” “But not by you! ” said Bellatrix furiously. “No, you were once again absent while the rest of us ran dangers, were you not, Snape?”

叹为观止的巨型机器人,一个比一个大的炸弹,帅哥们出生入死的搏斗……用钱烧出来的这些商业片元素让近七成观众看完电影说“值”。 Amazing giant robot, a bomb than a big, handsome guy who’s struggling life … money burning out the elements of these mercial films for nearly七成audience watching the film that “value.”



