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民不聊生 民不聊生造句_民不聊生中英文解释和造句

 时间:2020-11-28 04:02 



民不聊生mín bù liáo shēng








当时,罗马内外战争频仍,民不聊生。 At that time, Rome inside and outside war frequent , lived on the edge of starvation.

当时,罗马内外战争频仍,民不聊生。 At that time, Rome and outside the war, people living in dire poverty.

这同旧西藏民不聊生的悲惨境况形成了鲜明的对照。 This stands in sharp contrast to the miserable conditions of the people in old Tibet.

这同旧西藏民不聊生的悲惨境况形成了鲜明的对照。 This stands in stark contrast to the plight of the destitute people in the old Tibet.

相传很久以前,广州曾一度出现连年灾荒,民不聊生。 It is said that a long time ago, Canton had once occurred, famine year after year, people living in dire poverty.

这并不意味着在普京先生的统治下,俄罗斯人就民不聊生。 This does not mean that the lives of all Russians have deteriorated under Mr Putin.

民众负担过重,供应浩繁,加之吏役鱼肉百姓,民不聊生。 Excessive burden on the people, the supply of voluminous, in addition to fish population service officials, people living in dire poverty.

留下的只有战争中的浓雾硝烟,以及给中国带来的民不聊生。 Leaving only a dense fog, the smoke of war, and brought to the Chinese people living in dire poverty.

声音1: 胡佛被看作是国家政府对民不聊生漠不关心的象征。 Voice 1: Hoover was seen as the symbol of the indifference of the national government to those who were down and out.

如果我们两个民族是敌人,那么将来的世界是黑暗的,民不聊生。 If our two people are enemies the future of this world we share together is dark indeed.

在金融危机的冲击下,老百姓民不聊生,引起了全面的社会危机。 Below the concussion of financial crisis, mon people the masses have no means to live, caused prehensive social crisis.

监狱里人满为患,小偷、强盗、土匪等到处都是,弄得民不聊生。 Thieves, robbers and bandits infest the countries so that people’s lives are ruined.

从前天下被十个太阳照得民不聊生,你派后羿射下九个太阳,从此过著舒适的日子。 In the past, people suffered the hotness from ten suns. You ordered Houyi to shoot down the nine. Since then people had never suffered and enjoyed the coolness.

那时,日本濒临战败的边缘,民众饱受无情的战火摧残民不聊生,民生物资极度缺乏。 Japan was more towards losing the War at the time and people were suffering with lack of materials.

他们曾经许愿要改善民生,结果却造成民不聊生,比人们所记得的以往任何时候都更差。 Promising to improve the “livelihood of the people, ” they made it worse than it had been in the memory of living man.

当时,处于日军、国民党部队、地方武装割据控制之下的豫苏皖地区局势混乱民不聊生。 At that time, in the Japanese, the KMT forces, local armed independent regime under the control of chaotic situation in the region of Jiangsu and Anhui Henan times of hardship.

但是由于当时整个国家处于经济大萧条时期,民不聊生,没有人花更多时间来讨论这个问题。 In any case, it was not a good time to argue — it was the Great Depression, and times were difficult.

而财政收入以田赋附加及“其它收入”为主要来源,足见当时湖南苛捐杂税繁重、民不聊生。 The industry developments were not the summit to value. On the other hand, the financial ine regarded land tax affixation and “other ine” as main sources.

然而,多年以后,同样是办合作社,艾黎却处身一个战火纷飞、民不聊生、光怪陆离的国度。 However, many years later, for the same business of managing cooperatives, he found himself in a grotesque and gaudy country, ravaged by the flames of war, where the people could hardly survive.

试想,在一个社会不稳定、战乱不断、民不聊生的环境条件下,其所处地区的房产是不会升值的。 Imagine, in a social instability, war continues, the environmental conditions of people, the locations of areas of real estate is not appreciating.

王子施行的暴政导致民不聊生,许多人死于饥饿和寒冷,还有人因为付不起赎金而最终死在了监狱里。 Even worse, the ransom give the prince a reason to take more revenue from people so that people lived unhappily very much. Some people even died in hunger and cold.

如果穆加贝不是真心诚意谈判,那么茨万吉拉伊只能被迫放弃,否则津巴布韦会更加动荡不安、民不聊生。 And if Mr Mugabe fails to negotiate in good faith, Mr Tsvangirai may be forced to walk away, as Zimbabwe falls ever more deeply into lawlessness, poverty and despair.

撇开古巴的雪茄和铺天盖地的宣传海报不谈,糟糕的政权的已经使古巴民不聊生,而古巴人也清楚地知道这一点。 So forget the cigars and the posters: Cubans have had a rotten deal from a miserable regime—and they know it.

在当时民不聊生的年代,张道陵的孙子张鲁建立了独立的神权王国,其领土并逐渐扩充到涵盖今日四川省的全境。 During a time of poverty and misery, Zhang’s grandson Zhang Lu set up an independent theocratic state that grew to enpass all of present-day Sichuan province.

基督在世的时候,当局政治腐败,炎威无道,到处都是敲诈勒索、偏狭顽固、冷酷残忍,弄得民不聊生,怨声四起。 The government under which Jesus lived was corrupt and oppressive; on every hand were crying abuses, –extortion, intolerance, and grinding cruelty.

法律虽然相当完备,但只是扩张权力、蔑视权利的“恶法”,其愈严格执法,就愈破坏民众的生存环境,依法治国而民不聊生; The more strictly laws were enforced, the worse people’s living environment was ruined. Consequently, although the country was under the rule of law, the people had no means of livelihood.



