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苦中作乐的例子 苦中作乐造句_苦中作乐中英文解释和造句

 时间:2020-11-28 02:26 



苦中作乐kǔ zhōng zuò lè








为名苦为利苦,苦中作乐,拿壶酒来; The name of Lee bitter hardship, romantic, take Hujiu to;

而这就是老师们苦中作乐的源头动力。 This is the source of motivation teachers romantic.

学会苦中作乐,最重要的是要有好心态。 Institute, the most important thing is to have a good mentality.

劳心苦,劳力苦,苦中作乐,拿壶酒来。 the heart hard, hard labor, Kuzhongzuoyue, Hujiu to take.

感谢上帝让涐苦中作乐。 Thank God let me enjoy in adversity.

这又让我想起中国的一句成语:苦中作乐! Again, this reminds me of the saying of the Chinese: Kuzhongzuoyue!

大学生活一定是很忙碌的吧,但我们会苦中作乐。 Of university life must be very busy bar, but we will Kuzhongzuole.

那年的夏天真的很苦,但苦中作乐时间就过得很快。 The summer was tough but I took pleasure out of this pain and this period went by fast, after all.

因此,制定一个有趣的新年决心很重要。要学会苦中作乐。 Therefore, it’s important to have one resolution that is fun. A little sugar with the vinegar.

是啊!人生本来就是苦中作乐。一切的事物都是过眼云烟。 It is such a selfish thing, if you are lonely, don’t let us be lonely with you.

许多员工聚集在酒吧里尽情的痛快干杯,大声喧哗苦中作乐。 Many staff are getting together in the pubs to cheers thoroughly and enjoying their pleasures of taking pain by making rackets.

因为考试,连曾经圣洁的图书馆都变得无聊起来。苦中作乐。 because of the finals, even the library which i thought interesting became boring. just made some fun.

当你苦中作乐时,很难在突然之间把痛苦的心情变成快乐的心情。 When you’re not having fun, it can be very difficult to change your perspective to one where you, all of a sudden, start enjoying yourself.

都说国庆节就是警察的“苦日子”,警察们早就学会了苦中作乐。 Police said that the National Day is “hard”, the police have long had Kuzhongzuoyue learned.

每天都是苦中作乐,要么就是一句话不说发呆,我快要崩溃了!!! Every day is taking pains, or is in a daze, I didn’t say a word to crash! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

影片以欢喜佛开场,强调比日常快乐境界更高一层的极乐,苦中作乐; The movie starts from a symbolic Mandkesvara, revealing the pleasure at a higher level than the secular one.

某些特定部门,例如医药和军队,都以苦中作乐出名,这相当于一种应对机制。 Certain sectors, such as medicine and the armed forces, have a reputation for a robust gallows humour, which works as a coping mechanism.

因此,制定一个有趣的新年决心很重要。要学会苦中作乐。本文来源:考试大网。 Therefore, it’s important to have one resolution that is fun. A little sugar with the vinegar.

罗伯特·弗罗斯特正是在考虑到同样的感悟时,他说出了“苦中作乐”,大体如此。 Robert Frost was thinking in something like the same terms when he spoke of “The pleasure of taking pains”.

我会苦中作乐,紧抿上唇克服这一切。其实我的上嘴唇还蛮好看的,只是有点怪罢了。 As a matter of fact, my upper lip is pretty fascinating by itself, in a bizarre sort of way.

戏是一种心态,一种无所顾忌又永不满足的创作姿态,一种积极努力、苦中作乐的工作精神。 Play is a mentality, a spirit of insatiable craving for originality, and a positive, diligent working attitude.

你可以在没有合适的信念和态度的前提下尽力去实现持续一致性,但就像苦中作乐一样没结果。 You can try to create consistency without having the appropriate beliefs and attitudes, but your results won’t be any different than if you try to be happy when you’re not having fun.

如果一个人的生活中总是喜悦与快乐,这也是不完整的,苦尽甘来,苦中作乐,也别有一番味道啊! If one’s life is full of joyful, that’s unintegrity. No sweet without sweat, making merry in hard, it’s also another taste.

“我觉得,俱乐部里的每一个人都在为梦奋战,当然人人也都苦中作乐,这是个很重要的讯号。”主教练对官网说。 “I think it was important to send a message that everybody is working together and everybody is very happy, ” the boss told Liverpoolfc. tv.

建筑师接受制度的虐待,也是磨练好作品的一种方法。苦中作乐、意志力的锻炼,成为台湾年轻建筑师必经的过程。 The extremely skewed architectural practice environment in Taiwan might be a good challenge and training for young architects.

例如在与徐克导演谈到在越南度过的战火纷飞的童年,并没有搞成心酸史,而是尽量在挖掘苦中作乐,孩子们的无忧。 For example, in talking with the director Tsui Hark’s war in Vietnam through childhood, there is no history of heart into, but as far as possible in the mining Kuzhongzuole, the children’s worry-free.

如果想找个与自己心灵彼此相印与沟通的爱人就显得甚乎其微,所以才有了那位朋友“一个人生活也可以如诗般快活”的无奈、苦中作乐的感言了。 It is very little to find your lovers and each other’s hearts with munication, so there is the speech of enjoy in adversity as “a person can live happy such as poetry-like”.

生活中的我爱说笑话,自喻为苦中作乐,爱看历史类的书,和大多数人一样,也爱看体育节目,歌声远不如小时多,但自哼自娱也蛮不错,一种感觉。 I like smiling and telling jokes, I call it “find pleasure from boring life”. In addition, I like history books. Like most people, I get much pleasure from physical programs.

生活是一天天的重复,人在重复面前难免感觉枯燥。所以生活是苦的,但如果你为此就开始苦恼,那你永不得快乐。快乐的学问就是苦中找乐,苦中作乐! There are many meanfulthingsfrom the the start to the end, because there are a lot of difference between the two poles, whether it is bad or not.

人间有情,世界美好,正义长存,正面积极,逆境自强,苦中作乐,嘻嘻哈哈,快乐至啱!41岁开始兼读大学生涯,取得银行财务荣誉学士,财务硕士,商管硕士,尚在追逐商管博士学位。 Started distance learning tertiary education at the age of 41, holder of BBA, Master in Finance, EMBA, and currently pursuing the Doctor of Business Administration.



