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落落大方怎么造句 落落大方造句_落落大方中英文解释和造句

 时间:2020-11-28 01:43 



落落大方luò luò dà fāng







色彩与空间的营造,落落大方。 Of colour and space build, natural and graceful.

同时,简洁的设计则更显得落落大方。 At the same time, it is even more simple design.

在摄像机的镜头前,陈艳青接受采访也落落大方。 Before camera’s lens, Chen Yanqing accepts the interview to be also graceful.

这次俱乐部的主持人落落大方,积极的调动现场的气氛。 The host was very natural and graceful, and inspired the spot atmosphere actively.

我以后会让你看到我会怎样落落大方地将讽刺弃置不用。 I will show you how gracefully I can lay irony aside.

那时想你肯定是一个落落大方的男孩、帅气十足的小宝宝! At that time, you would like to elegant and graceful-act naturally and at ease is definitely a boy, full of handsome baby!

而鄞高老师的优雅打扮格外体现出他们的落落大方和博学。 Instead, the graceful dressing of teachers here represents their generous and great ability.

我醒来时发现窗台上站着一位不速之客,它看起来落落大方。 I woke up to find a stranger on my windowsill, but it was a handsome stranger.

秘书漂亮的身影和落落大方的举止让整个办公室的人大饱眼福。 The secretary’s beautiful figure and suave manners made the office bright.

但愿能尽快在音乐这条路上再看到你以及感受到你的落落大方。 Hope to see you and your giant heart on the road again soon. In Joy!

秘书漂亮的身影和落落大方的举止让整个办公室的人如沐春风。 The secretary’s beautiful figure and suave manners made the office bright.

三条椭圆形的床帮衬托出美丽的圆床弧线,实用而又落落大方! The three elliptic bed frame set off beautiful arc. It is very practical and fortable.

用录音机录下你与朋友的对话,或录下你自己的落落大方的演讲或独白。 Take a tape recorder record a conversation with a friend or a speech or monologue as you do it naturally!

用录音机录下你与朋友的对话,或录下你自己的落落大方的演讲或独白。 Take a tape recorder and record a conversation with a friend or a speech or monologue as you do it naturally! A two-or-three-minute recording is enough.

像斯诺这样自觉自愿、落落大方地投身于本职工作的新闻记者是不多的。 Snow was the rare journalist who consciously and generously placed himself in his work.

尽管一些人在“接吻节”上很害羞,但也有许多女孩落落大方、积极参与。 Some people are rather shy about the whole thing – not these girls though.

沃利的妻子面色苍白,疲惫不堪,但仍然保持着一些通常的落落大方的风度。 Wally’s wife looked pale and tired, but some of her normal businesslike manner still came through.

在宴会中若有男士对你攀谈,你必须保持落落大方的态度,简单回答几句即可。 If a gentleman is approaching you for chitchat, you must keep you manner natural and at ease , it is ok to response by simple words.

与小学的可爱小不点们有很大的区别,这里的姑娘、小伙子们温文尔雅、落落大方。 It was quite different from the little children in the primary schools. The young boys and girls there were very elegant and urbanity.

曹先生丰富专业的技术阅历和落落大方的讲演风度,给在场同学留下了深刻的印象。 Cao’s rich technical experience and professional lectures left the present students a deep impression.

落落大方— 想给别人留下好印象,就要显得镇定,即使你五脏六腑在翻筋斗。 Naturalness – To make a positive impression, keep your cool even when your insides are doing somersaults.

橱柜操作台若能带给人流畅又异于清理的便利,营造落落大方的气息,就更能讨人欢心。 If ambry work station can bring stream of people free the advantage that different manages at Qing Dynasty, build the smell of natural and graceful, can denounce person favor more.

新上车的旅客里有两个男子,年纪较轻的一位蛮俊的,敞着一张坦诚的脸,态度落落大方。 Among the newers were two men. The younger one was good-looking with a bold, honest face and manner.

要避免像道尔夫人一样为了一杯75便士的茶而拳殴起来,该怎么做才是最落落大方的呢? So what’s the most gracious way to avoid a Mrs Doyle-style punch-up over a 75p cuppa?

记住,当你是在说话而不是在抱怨时,一定要做到要落落大方,保证眼神交流,并保持微笑。 Remember to use open stronggestures, look people in the eye and smile when you talk unless you are plaining about something.

“您好,牟尼先生。欢迎您来到西山。我能帮您做什么?”)竹声落落大方的向牟尼打招呼。 Hello, Mr. Mouni. Wele to xishan. What can I do for you?

你就是亚洲流行音乐天后,但是人们是否真的知道你的美妙?你落落大方的天性已经温暖了整个岛屿。 The queen of Asian pop…But will they ever know how wonderful you really are? your generous personality warms the island.

其实很多东西没法完全用文字去准确地表达,靠的是感觉,总体上你应该是个落落大方的、开朗的女孩儿。 it is very difficult to describe properly how you would be . all would be according to fellings each other . generally , you should be natural and graceful, open minded, logical.

得到它们要靠技巧的培养,这些技巧使你自信,语速缓急得当,声音抑扬有致,姿势落落大方,目光交流恰到好处。 You get them by developing skills that give you the confidence, the right pace and voice pitch, body control, and eye contact.

圆床中的又一款经典设计,宽厚而高大的床头,舒适而又彰显富足;三条椭圆形的床帮衬托出美丽的圆床弧线,实用而又落落大方! This is a classical round-bed design. Thick and tall headboard makes the bed fortable and noble. The three elliptic bed frame set off beautiful arc. It is very practical and fortable.


